💡 Here's a quick explanation of the ad terms in the VCAT dashboard.
1. Impressions
Indicates the number of times an ad was shown to a user.
Impressions are the number of times the ad appeared on the user's screen
2. Reach
Indicates the number of times an ad was shown to a unique user.
Reach refers to how many times an ad was shown to different users.
3. Clicks
Represents the total number of users who clicked on the ad.
A click is the number of times a user clicked on an ad and went to that link
4. CTR(Click-Through Rate)
CTR stands for “click-through rate” and refers to the percentage of users who clicked on your ad.
In the ad market, a number that typically indicates good performance is in the 1% to 2% range.
It is usually expressed as a percentage (%).
How to calculate: CTR = (Clicks / Impressions) × 100
5. CPM (Cost Per Mille)
CPM stands for “cost per thousand.
It is the cost an advertiser pays when an ad is shown 1,000 times.
A good performance threshold is around 1,000 won per 1,000 impressions.
Calculation method: Total ad spend / number of ad impressions (in thousands)
6. CPC (Cost Per Click)
CPC stands for “cost per click.
It is the cost an advertiser pays for each user who clicks on an ad.
A CPC of 1,000 won or less is considered a good performance.
How to calculate: Total Ad Cost / Number of Clicks
7. Video Views
The number of times a video ad is played to a user.
8. VTR (View Through Rate)
VTR stands for “view through rate”.
It refers to the percentage of users who are exposed to a video ad and actually watch it.
A VTR of 20% or more is considered a good performance.
How to calculate: (Video views / Video impressions) × 100
9. CPV (Cost Per View)
CPV stands for “cost per video view”.
It's the cost an advertiser pays per user who watches a video.
A good performance is said to be when the CPV is 100 cents or less.
Calculation method: Total ad cost / Video views
10. Sign-up
The number of users who signed up for the service through an ad.
11. Purchase
The number of users who purchased a product or service through an ad.
12. Purchase Amount
Indicates the total purchase amount generated by the ad.
13. ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend)
ROAS stands for “return on advertising spend”.
It's a metric that shows how much revenue your ads generate for the money you spend on them.
A ROAS of 200% or more is considered a good performance.
How to calculate: (Purchase amount / Ad spend) × 100
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