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Link to Instagram and scheduling posts
Link to Instagram and scheduling posts
Updated over 3 months ago

VCAT.AI integrates with social media to post your videos instantly or automatically by scheduling them on your own schedule.

📌 This feature is only available to users on the Starter, Pro, and Custom plans.

To export videos you've created to Instagram, you must have an Instagram Business account associated with a Facebook page, not a Creator account as required by Instagram. For more information, see the Instagram Help Center.

1️⃣ If you don't have an Instagram Business account and a Facebook page

Follow the instructions below to set up a business account on your Instagram Professional account.

1) Instagram > Edit profile

In Edit your Instagram profile, click the Switch to professional account button at the bottom.

2) Confirm your account turn into professional account

After answering the survey Instagram asks you to complete, click Confirm account conversion.

3) Set up a business account

Select a business account from the professional accounts.

4) Create a Facebook page

When you create a business account, you can connect a Facebook page.

If you don't have a Facebook page, create one with “Create a new Facebook page”.

2️⃣ If an Instagram business account and a Facebook page already existed

1) Set up your Facebook page

2) Settings > Linked Accounts

3) Link to Instagram account

4) Complete integration sign up to Instagram account

5) Connection Complete Screen

Once your Facebook page and Instagram are connected, you'll see a screen like the one below.

Congratulations, you've made it this far!

If you've linked your Instagram business account and Facebook page, it's pretty straightforward from here on out. Now come back to Vcat and connect your social channels!

3️⃣ VCAT.AI > About me > Manage social channels

In Manage social channels, connect your Meta account.

4️⃣ Connecting Instagram and Facebook

You'll see the Facebook page and Instagram business account that you linked earlier. Select the account you want to post your video to.

△ Page of media selection

△ Page of Integration completed

5️⃣ Scheduling a post in the Social Media Scheduler

From VCAT Home > Social Media Scheduler, you can instantly send or schedule a time to publish the videos you create. Learn more about the feature here.

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