1️⃣ Is it possible to upload videos and images to Instagram, YouTube, and use it commercially?
Yes, it is possible.
The content supplied by VCAT, including templates, design elements, and the stock video library, is either copyrighted by VCAT or licensed for our use. This ensures that you can commercially use all these materials in your final creatives.
2️⃣ Is the music in the video free from copyright issues?
Yes, there are no copyright issues.
The background music provided by VCAT is available for commercial use under a corporate license agreement.
Please refer to the sources for background music here.
3️⃣ Can I sell the videos I create using VCAT to third parties?
If you are an ad agency looking to sell to third parties, you will need to use the Custom plan, which is a separate plan. For more information, Go to Plans > Custom > Contact Sales.
4️⃣ Can I re-edit downloaded videos?
Yes and no,
You are permitted to add design elements (logos, subtitles, music, etc.) and stitch together videos for the purpose of re-editing the downloaded videos.
However, you are not allowed to copy and use the templates and its design elements that are provided by VCAT.
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